Number of Users in Kodular Social Network

Around how many users do you believe I would be able to have on a social network created in kodular, and having most of the controls common to other social networks (control of followers, notifications, video posts …)

This will definitely use the database a lot

What I would like to know is from how many users do you think the system could cause traffic problems in the database. I´m working with Firebase (Realtime Database).

The videos would not be stored on the server, but would be direct YouTube links opened in kodular webviews

It would be something like someone creating video tube channels using favorite videos from third-party channels.

It doesn’t change much of what we already have on youtube, but with the possibility for the user to create their selection of favorites, selected by subjects they want, such as sports, politics, humor, varieties …

Probably, after some time and if the app grows, I will need to change to an own database structure, using sql or something similar.

But in the beginning, and as long as the structure holds up, I don’t intend to spend money on it any more than I will need to invest in Firebase and Cloudinary traffic.