OnClick method for Dynamic Label

As the name above suggests, I request the Kodular developer team to provide an OnClick() option for Dynamic Label. As I am stuck in a condition where I need to fetch the ID of a Dynamic Label from a set of Dynamic Labels with randomly generated IDs. Also if is it possible in any another way, please provide a set of blocks as an example. TIA :slight_smile:


You can use when any label.clicked
As I remember it exists.
Then, if component=get label components by ID,
(Your action)


Or if you want to get the ID, Simply use the get ID from ā€˜get componentā€™

I appreciate your quick response. But what I am actually trying to say is, that I want to fetch the ID of a Dynamic Label. The Dynamic Labels are generated according to the data available in the dB so I donā€™t know how many Labels are created and neither do I have their IDs(at the time of coding). I want a block which provides me the ID of the label that user has clicked so that I can delete that label from the list. I hope Iā€™ve made my doubt clearer to you. :slight_smile:

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Could you please give a block PNG for get component. My previous reply got accepted after yours. LOL!


It is a variable dragged from ā€˜when.any label clickedā€™.

All I can see in when any Label.Click are 2 variables namely component and not already handled An example would be appreciated :slight_smile:

When you drag from component it will be get component.

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Yes! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Does getComponent() return the ID only? LOL! Iā€™m feeling like a noob :stuck_out_tongue:

When Iā€™m trying to use the getComponent result as an ID the following error is shown. That is why I was asking for if by any way can we fetch the ID of Dynamic Label

This is a Snippet of my code. Ignore the red crosses (errors) those are caused since I created a new screen and copied these blocks without adding them. I hope this will help you understand it better that why I require the ID of Dynamic Label since the getComponent is returning a non int value and causing the above error.

EXPLANATION: I am fetching a dictionary from firebase dB and creating dynamic labels for all the keys and values(not in the blocks).

I want to:

  1. Enable click option on the the Dynamic Labels.
  2. Delete the Label which is clicked.

PS: I tried using ListViewer for the same but it displayed values in the following format (key, value) on which when I applied the click event I was not able to fetch the key name since it contained brackets and commas. Any help for the stated would be appreciated and thanks for bearing with me till now. :see_no_evil:

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No, get component doesnā€™t return the number, but the component instead.

And you cannot get ID by clicking the label.
If you need to the you have to use the extension by @yusufcihan

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@WatermelonIce I think I should better use Dynamic Button and making the background color as transparent. That would be easier :smile_cat:

@ExtensionDevelopers whoever can do this, since I donā€™t have time toā€¦ just compile and leave the AIX in this topic.

// ...
import com.google.appinventor.components.annotations.*;
import com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.*;
import com.google.appinventor.components.common.*;
// ...
@SimpleFunction(description = " ")
public int GetIdByComponent(AndroidViewComponent component) {
    return component.getView().getId();

Build failed

Note: I donā€™t know about extension developement, so if any changes are to be made then guide me.

You have removed all code of editor

@hammerhai told that compile this code so I delete all that. :grimacing::grimacing:


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com.appybuilder.kennicholsandroid.GetComponentID.aix (5.5 KB)
GetComponentID.java (1.4 KB)


Ohh you are faster than me. I have started build now. Appybuilder editor takes 5 minites to build :weary::weary::weary:

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I was driving or I would have uploaded it sooner:


com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.ExtensionCodeByStormi.aix (5.8 KB)

Here is my one

But ken won