OneSignal Push Notifications setting tags to users

I was able to tag a user to receive notifications per segment. If the user goes to app settings and set that he wants to receive notifications for a particular country region. He will be tagged and will be able to receive notification only for this region.
The problem that I am having is to set the user to two or more regions. The tags goes to Onesignal, and it is set there, but Onesignal recognize it differently.
i.e {: true, sul : true} - THIS IS WORKING!!!
i.e: {: true, centro-oeste , sul : true} - THIS WAY DOESN’T WORK

I think it is the way I am sending the tag to Onesignal using the list

Hi, welcome.
Check preferencias2 list all are in spanish unless sul ?
Perhaps the problem is it you need set all to english languaje.
I don`t kwon much about OneSignal.

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Thanks. I was able set it up. it is working now.
I changed to this:

BTW, it is portuguese!! :slight_smile:

Hey, @Gustavo_Niederauer . Welcome to the Kodular community.
If @bestprintsf 's reply solved your problem then please mark it as solution.
I’ve done it for you this time. :smiley:

I’m glad to be able to help you.
My excuses, I’m from Argentina, spanish is my original languaje. Your preferencias2 list ( less sul ), all the items are written equally in spanish.
I would like to do a suggestion to your future app’s with onesignal, changes all the items of the list preferencias2 to small letters and delete the component downcase.
Best Regards and nice weekend.

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