Online Multiplayer Game ( Tic Tac Toe )

What is the name of your app?

Tic Tac Toe

Describe your app:

This is an app where two players can play with each other in real-time.
I used only the Firebase database for this app.

Used Extensions:
  1. ListUtils
  2. RecyclerList
  3. RelativeView


App Store/Download link:

tic_tac_toe.apk (8.0 MB)

Request to @KodularCreator
Please solve the OneSignal problem. :pensive: :pensive: :pray: :pray:

Don’t forget to give me suggestions.
Thank you, everyone.


Impressive :fire:

por favor, me disponibilize arquivo .aia

Sorry It’s PAID

1 Like

how much is it?

how much Tic Tac Toe

Really cool I will love to learn how

Price ??
