Open another screen is Not Working!

Can you send me the screenshot of your blocks in pm. For both screen.

Have you tried to use TinyDB?

How can I use tiny tb

You can use TinyDB to store the title value that you are using in start value and use only onpen other screen function.

Can I have an Apk file?

try to change the procedure name “Chat”. it 's the same as the screen name “Chat”

ok i will try

I tried changing the name to message but it is still not working

I think the problem is not in Chat screen.
The problem is in home screen.Try using Colin Tree List View instead of List View Image and Text.
The reason behind saying this is when I am clicking on friends list white screen is showing.
If the problem is in Chat screen then it should open screen for a time and then show white screen.

ok i will try

Try to use Notifiers or labels at different stages of your app so you can follow the execution of your app. this will help you detect at which stage, your app crashes.

Im not sure if this was your issue but to close a screen and open another screen, you can put the close screen in a procedure then call it before opening the other screen.

The screen was opening but now again the error started .(" App is keeps stopping ")
Please help…

Can someone please help me​:relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

share your aia file

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Can I get some response

you have to try the proposal of @yusufcihan. It could help