Open Bidding for Google Ad Manager

You have to send a form submission per app you would like to enable.

The adsense account which is disabled is the same account as current kodular account, but my other admob account is active and doesn’t have any issues, As u suggested I created the new kodular account, with the working admob account and adsense account but I don’t know why ad manager is not approving my account

I am using admob since I started making apps and also I use unity and facebook, Which ever is loaded I show that particular ads, so that there is always availbility of ads and if admanager is also supporting the bidding then there is no use to use so much ads component, ad manager will be the solution of all the problems

All of my apps are for children. Do I have to worry about ads of InMobi or for the future providers? You know google play family programme issues.

InMobi is a Certified SDK compatible with Play Family Ads program.


Ad impressions decreased after filling out and submitting forms.
In fact, some apps don’t even have any impressions at all.


i am using admob ads in my app right now,i dont interest to move on google ads manager.(becasue i am try google ad not satisfied). you saying admob components is hidden in the future, Then what will happen to our apps?

Existing apps that still use Admob will continue working for some months. But after some time (with prior notice), you will be required to move to Google Ad Manager.
As said, with our Google Ad Manager integration, you will have better share revenue rates than with Admob.

I tried Google Ad Manager 2 months ago and receive first payment from kodular! :heart: but google ad manager there are very low eCpm and fill rate (ex: my admob daily around 5k request and fill rate 50% that’s i saw in my account and income is good arround USD 2 to 5, but google ad manager revenue around 1 USD)!


What will happen to the income that I have made in Admob? i have $39 right now!

Now, I’m saying that if we have to move to Google Ad Manager, then there is no point in keeping admob ads in our App now, because our app is getting more and more users every day.I’m right?

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The income you have in Admob will not be affected. That is yours, and we will not change it.

That’s correct. If you are updating your apps, or creating new ones, it is highly recommended to use already Google Ad Manager. It will save you time, because if you instead decide to stick with Admob, in some months you will be forced to use those Google Ad Manager components.

All submissions so far in the form have been forwarded to InMobi, and they have been authorized to use Open Bidding. Your fill rates should now increase.

tomorrow i switched google admanger, can i fill this form for mediation?

Yeah sure, go ahead

i was filled the form,how to know my Revenue is increased and how to track?

I have submitted an app for approval to Kodular 4 weeks ago from this account. The app is already in play store. The reason behind sending the app for approval is to get at least one approved app so that I can get access to the ads manager child account and because previously I never applied for monetization. Now the problem is that my current Kodular account email id different than my Admob account and as given above

I must use same email for both Admob and Ads manager. Now I have applied for approval from that account as well. So please approve my app from this new email address and not the current one:
email id: Can’t Share Here
app id: 6680908893519872

ha don’t reveal ur app lD in public like this

But if I use ad manager in my apps, then I will not generate more incomes in admob, so I will never reach the limits to charge from Admob. Could kodular manage that the accumulated money in admob pass to ad manager account?? If it will be possible, it will avoid many problems.

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i think its impossible

but very great if does

Extremely large ad size and open bidding settings broke everything.
After various interventions were made to the ad settings, my revenues decreased 10 times.
So today I earn one-tenth of what I originally earned.
ecm keeps dropping (today 1.34!)
It is necessary to return to the initial settings immediately.

And now since couple of days I have this problem.
Because of this I can not update my apps.
