On every screen:
Close screen animation = Slide Horizontal
Open screen animation = Slide Horizontal
Opening screens without any animation
Closing screens with horizontal animation
On every screen:
Close screen animation = Slide Horizontal
Open screen animation = Slide Horizontal
Opening screens without any animation
Closing screens with horizontal animation
Its working now
I don’t understand why it didn’t work yesterday
Hmm so you should mark solution so that topic will close
Actually Open Screen Animation is not working properly…
Close Screen animation is working…
It worked after update 1.4C.2 and my app ran smoother than before while opening screens
and it is not working now…
Did Kodular made any changes after update?
Open Screen animation is NOT working properly
Close screen animation is working fine
Animation properties are set to default
When clicked on button to open screen,
Button touch effect hangs
and screen opens without animation