OpenAI in Kodular

Hello, i was thinking to put ChatGPT, an OpenAI Project in my Kodular One, but i dont know of any extension or block to do it. Any help, Im Granted :wink:

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Did you search here in community?

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If you search Alternative ChatGPT , this thread will help you.

[F/OS] :brain: Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI!

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hi,here you can extract openAI extention from my aia file

MrAi.aia (119.0 KB)

@ G_Geofani, i need your help on ChatGPT, because the .aia don’t work, please help :cry:

@TheSky, the extension link you posted is in MIT AppInventor Community. The test projects may be different, so I recommend this link in Kodular community instead.

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what the problem? can you explain it?

can you help me pliz, error with the massage " the model text-davinci-003" has been deprecated

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i am working on this…Chatgpt4 extension coming soon…