Organize projects on Folders/Tags

Hello @Kodular! Usually, we have a lot of projects in our home page. I think that it will be great to organize the projects with tags or folders. It will improve the user experience and it will help us to have everything more organized :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is a good idea, right? :smiley:

  • Yesss pleaseee :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
  • Hmmm, no thanks…

0 voters


For now, Sort projects by name.
Also delete unnecessary projects.


Yes, you shouldn’t have so many projects that you can’t find one.

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The problem is that I need all the projects. All are important :joy::sweat_smile:

You can use CTRL + F to search text
It will jump to that.

But it would be great if there’s folders

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