Package Utilities is unable to get custom package name

I think the problem is with Package Utilities in your case @bodymindpower

If TaifunTools doesn’t works then I suggest you to use FileTools method named application specific directory and if it works then we can be sure that Package Utilities has a bug.

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No, we already know that Package Utilities has a bug.


so we can request any Pro Koder or Admin to change this post to bug section and have a look on this

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You are author and you can also change its category.
But I did that for now.

But still I am not sure that it is a bug


oh i forgot that, we have checked its not getting custom name.

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Is indeed using standard name not custom name.


i thought that will work for custom package name too, because mostly peoples recommend there custom package names for there apps, thats why .

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I asked the developers to take a look at it.


I think something is wrong in your blocks(May be I am wrong)
In block Is Permission Granted needs two inputs one is permission name and second is package name but what I can see that you are providing app name instead of package name.

I have not worked with Package Utilities so I can be wrong

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We’ll check into this


Can anyone try this extension and tell me it is working or not?
afb51c78ca0c5d77cb89fca4fd25b8f4.aix (5.1 KB)

Respected Moderators:- this extension is just an extension version of Package Utils component.

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yes this extension is getting custom package name. second block package name after is showing error, first one is perfectly working.

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Yes, my mistake, but I checked it correctly. This does also not work:

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If so then try with above extension.
And if that works then let me know.

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There is no testing because this block does not exist.


The PackageName is not the problem here, but this one:


Is.PermissionGranted is not getting the correct Boolean (true), if the permission was granted (APK).

Developers will fix that for next release.

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Im not sure. but i think it depending android s version. Cause Playstore show right name. but in differents device that i made tests , just one show right name. (in setting/apps)

Correct. This has been fixed and will be in next version


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