[PAID] [499₹/7$] Firebase Cloud Messaging : Send notifications to your users

Proof of send notifications function working

The Api notifications are delivered immediately, although the dashboard ones depend on Firebase Heartbeat system which delivers it after some time to preserve battery

@Ezy_Aix @Rudransh_Shukla please leave it, i have lots of works and i’m not gonna reply to this unworthy topic here again. let the admins or moderators like @Peter @Diego knows what to do and they’ll find whether @Rudransh_Shukla and @Ezy_Aix are same accounts used by you or anything else.
Good bye

We also tried to leave it, but your replies didn’t left us, and my and @Ezy_Aix 's account isn’t operated by same person, we are two different people. And I also don’t have time to do reply to a person who is just being rude due to a mistake. And tagging admins again and again isn’t good, and you are tagging Kodular’s CEO :skull:.

@Shanmuga the way you’re potraying me as a scammer, If i had been one I wouldn’t have initiated a refund

mainly does it works on Android 13?

as you said that it can’t and so only refunded the amount.

now showing a video after all happenings, doesn’t prove that this gonna work.
Any how best of luck for your future @Ezy_Aix

The device is Android 13 only

you haven’t initiated when i ask you yesterday or morning. once after seeing the post, you’ve initiated Am I Right?

Thank God as you fear the community, hope i got my refund

I never fear anyone if I’m right

message anything i’m not gonna reply anymore as its been already waste of time for hours and hours,any Buyers or Customers, please take this post as example before paying to @Ezy_Aix. Thats all :v:

This is misleading, a single mistake can’t prove that an extension developer is scam, thanks for wasting yours and everyone’s time, but this statement isn’t true.

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@Rudransh_Shukla Everyone makes a mistake, it’s a human nature, but if anything goes wrong or you’re not able fullfill the commitment, just accept and repay the money from your side, not paying even after asking and once i posted in community. @Ezy_Aix you friend said, delete the post, i’ll send the refund - is a major mistake or not.

Hope you don’t want any screenshots :hugs:

You do your work, the one who has to buy will buy, what do you mean by this, don’t spoil anyone’s work.

He did refunded the money, and if he did made a mistake let him fix it buddy, why aren’t you able to understand. You are just spoiling work of a talented girl/boy who just did their best to make this extension.

That’s correct.

@ayan1 i have just posted what happend, but above words take me to high level tension and i decided it’s time to say what happened to entire community. Fortunately i take screenshots, else he’ll prove that i’m defaming or anything like that

There were better words I could have said seeing you dm and call me in the midnight

i paid the money morning, untill midnight and even today, i can’t get a working one, you said it’s possible and stopped replying, etc…
As a paid user, how i feel i thought i get scammed.

If you don’t want midnight calls, then reply that EXTENSION will be ready morning only.
Hope @Ezy_Aix i teach you how to reply to buyers

You teach me how to not trust anyone on the internet :slightly_smiling_face:

i too learned the same, and you always says midnight calls

Above screenshot proves that you’re offline from 11:07 PM and blaming that you have received DMs and Midnight calls.
@Ezy_Aix Be true to yourself and continue your job by leaving this topic.
Hope TRUTH Always Wins :muscle: