[Paid] AdMob Ads Extension : Integrate Latest AdMob SDK - 23.6.0 🔥

Please add me to happy users list

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I’ve just added you into the happy users list. Thanks for your interest to become happy user.

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Hy @JEWEL , Whats’s the difference between your Admob and Admanager extension. And which one is better. Thanks

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If you’ve AdManager account or Kodular child account so you might use my latest AdManager extension. Otherwise you might use the Admob ads extension.

Which network has more fill rate and better meditation. I have both admanager and admob accounts.

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I’ve not enough information for this.

So you might know better than me.

I’ve developed both extensions. You’re welcome to purchase them. Both uses latest SDK.

Here is my AdManager Extension.

i’m not happy user :-1: :-1: :angry:

Do you need help? What about providing more information?


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I thought you’re, do you need any help or should be removed your username?

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you didn’t fulfill your commitment.

No, the problem here is you are not providing any information, which could help to understand, why you are not happy…
your latest feedback concerning this extension was

and it looks like in August 2023 you were very happy… remember, it was you who said “best extension”… then what exactly happened???


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Yes @dreemincome , kindly share your experience with evidence so it will help people who wants to buy this extension.

Now I’ve removed you from happy users list. You’ll be charged the full amount again to get any MAJOR updates.

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:loudspeaker: The new update is done.

  • Now you can design the native ad using dynamic components. I’ve implemented specific dynamic components blocks with the native ad component.

Date built: 03 April 2024


Great work again jewel :grin::grin::grin:

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I need to monetize my app which is already on playstore. I came across this thread in community and seems interested to use the extension but I am not sure whether I should be premium member of kodular or should have ad manager account already in order to display ads? Or this extension is good enough, I don’t need to get any premium status anywhere just the admob account should be good?

To use this extension into your applications you must have Kodular Premium. AdManager account is not needed to use Admob extension.

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This is best Admob Extension Recommendation

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Welcome back on community @sovannarith
Thanks for your valuable feedback. I’ve added you into happy users list :blush:

I bought the extension, and so far it is working. I hope it continues like this.