[PAID] All Media Download Extension Update v3

They are private for a reason, so why would you want to do that…


Just for fair use and education purpose
:point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2:

That’s YouTube, not Facebook.

It looks like you know nothing about the term fair use?
Take a read to understand what it means


How is downloading private videos fair use? That’s a privacy concern :joy:


Not possible…


There is no extension that can do this.

The only way to do such a thing is if you make a browser app and use an extension or code made by yourself in this browser. Even in this case the user will have to login in this browser app with a facebook account with access to the private URL


better than use web compoent and get reponse code demo Check

you can use web component and a web for download fb private video

I want to buy this, how can i buy this?

Pay 6$ on paypal

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i want to buy this extension. But, How to Buy this?

i have no paypal account.paypal is banned in Bangladesh… but coinbase account doller availlable.

@avmcreators02 payment done Please check your inbox

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the developer is decent, responsible, reliable.

your extension is working in companion, but not working after exporting app

why this error, how to get license