[PAID] FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging | Push Notifications :firebase:

I am interested in buying the FCM extension,
How do I buy this?

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Hello, Could someone help me configure?

I’m interested, thanks.

I’d also like to know if your extension works with MIT App Inventor, thank you.

I’d also like to know if your extension works with MIT App Inventor, thank you.

Yes it does work with appinventor.

how can i buy this extension

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Hey I am interested to purchase this extension , I want to know if it works fine with Other admob extensions ?
How to buy it ?

I can provide you both of the extensions, admob and fcm that works perfectly fine and tested, are you interested? It’ll be 200 INR extra.

Fcm is not useful extension. Beacause have old version and not published app in Google Play console. Have show error.

Basically another extension you are using is conflicting with my extension.

No Iam using Your extension. I have proof and u sending me old version

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Even if you are using my extension, my extension is not the one causing problems.

Thank You.

What about providing a list of extensions you are using to find out, which one is incompatible?



what is it and where can I find the SERVER KEY ?

I can’t get it to work in any way. can you help me ?

Hi, I’ve messaged you in the PM.

I am interested, I want to buy the extension

Hi, I’ve sent you a message

I want to buy the extension but I want to know if the application must be started beforehand or does not need to be started

You do not need to start the application again (after reboot) to restore the subscribe functionality.