[PAID] FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging | Push Notifications :firebase:

i need sent Push Notifications from mysql to user id iam use php
Does this extension work with this idea? Please explain how to connect

Hi, you can send notifications to a specific user Id, it works.


Explain to me the steps

Retrieve the user Id through extension, store and use it to send push notifications to the user.

How to buy this extension ? it still works android 13 ?

Yes, it works perfectly in Android 13.

Does this work with other Google components such as authorization? Because I need to be able to implement messages along with authorization and database.

I don’t understand how to purchase the extension for mit app inventor 2. How should I purchase it?
Please reply via PM

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Where to buy your extension? can you teach me to arrange the block please?
I have already had a chat app that store chats in firebase database realtime, i need to make the messages sent to all the users using your extension