[PAID] FcmSender: Send FCM notifications and messages using latest HTTP v1 API ($3 or INR 151)

There is a block named Initialize in extension which has a parameter named accountJson.
Check out the blocks given in first post.

Also pm me your Kodular creator email address.

One signal is required ?

Same send at urs website

No, just watch the part where I have shown how to generate account json.

450/- more paid to u send me .aix file

Pm me your email address.

dint got mail

Just sent you a private message.

dint got it and urs website is tooo slow not getting plz mail me

How much time will it take?

I have sent you Private Message in Community.
Didn’t you receive message notification? Check your community inbox.


Is this required for FCM?

No, you can send notifications from Firebase console also.

Is this extension still working? How do I buy?

Why…yes btw.

Are you aware this extension is only for sending notifications?
And for receiving notifications, you need a different extension.

Thank’s, but unfortunately I can’t. I’m still a beginner and I find it very difficult. I’m going to finish my app without configuring push notification

Nice Extension, FCM and FcmSender I used both extension into my project is working, Thanks a lot.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: My project not export: Starting Task, ERROR: d8 failed

Does this extension work with Firebase authentication and how do you generate the token for the user who will receive the push notification?

Yes, it has nothing to do with any firebase component.

You get tokens from FCM (receiver) extension and store in database. Then you can use this extension to send notification.