[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

make sure you have the latest version of the extension because in previous version app was crashing but now it has been fixed, do capture the logs and share it

The extension was sent to me by the developer himself just 3 days ago. But if I remember well the extension has a block to check the version. I will test it and confirm if I have the most recent version.

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Oh yes you were right. The version I am using is 1.2.
I am relieved that this is not a bug at the current version of the extension hihi
@ Sumit1334 pls send me the most recent version of the extension

share ur telegram id in DM to sumit he will add u in his telegram broadcast


your telegram ID or payment ID

Pre-purchase question, url links in the notification will open in browser or mobile application??

Mobile Browser. But you can set the URL as Start Value and get it in you App.


Sumit –
I want to buy this extension please ping me on my email - private info removed by Mod - with payment details I am not able to connect with you

Please do not share private info such as email in the community. Wait and the developer will contact you via PM

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okay thanks

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@Summit1334 Thank you for your work, I pay per this extension, please contact me

@iamwsumit if i paid this extension, can you help me with the setting of the blocks please?
Thank you

please DM me i want to buy this extension dear

Excellent work, contact me I want to buy your extension.

I have small problem. Last version extension and all time is error:

my block:

of course - api key ( all data ) is correct

make sure to enter all keys in designer property

This error is not due to your APIs and your blocks. Your screen initialization is failing with extension.
The reasons for the error maybe :-

  • Missing Push Notification Component
  • Missing Helper Extension
  • Using the extension with wrong kodular account

I could not PM you as your account is private so PM me with your issue explanation.

When there is some component missing or wrong email then extension usually show these types of error and mostly crash the APK. In next update, I will add alert dialogs in extension that will show the dialog when you have not dragged push notification or helper component. Every user will get the solution own by reading the alert and won’t face problem like crashing and finding reasons and solutions. I hope it will help users.

Congratulations for the work, the extension worked perfect for me, including the background notifications. I recommend the extension, much better than OneSignal. I still haven’t explored all the methods it provides and I still haven’t managed to send back to the FCM that the message was received to count in the reception statistics.

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sorry guys i can’t get the notification to work in any way. Can any of you please explain to me in detail all the steps to follow to get the push notification?
Thank you

hello, how can I force the application to open by sending this notification after the user clicks on it?

@ammar5287 component_method