[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

When I add the extension (which I bought) I get the error above.
I can’t even set the parameters to setup connection.

Did you bought the extension from developer, @iamwsumit ? How did you get this extension ?

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Yes I did but it from him and he sent it to me.

You should wait the developer’s response.


Hi @Daniel_Iluz-Freundlich , I know you bought the extension from me on App Inventor community. I figured the issue, It is caused by invalid email address that you have provided me.

Thanks @oseamiya and @dora_paz for assisting. I will talk to him in PM and will solve the issue.


Thank you, I didnt understand that you need my email for verification purposes and you need the email address that is associated with my account.

Thanks everyone.


Can we subscribe to multiple topics ?

Yes you can. Up to 2000 per App instance.

@iamwsumit Would it be possible if you can integrate the firebase In-App Messaging as well?

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Can this extension be used in the MIT App?

Version 2

Version 2 of the extension is now released.

What’s New

  • Big Picture is added in notification now.

  • Now notification can launch the URL on clicking.

  • Notification Opened event is added.

  • Custom sound of notification is added that works with application assets.

  • You can send the start value with API while sending notification.

  • You can set the notification priority with API while sending notification.

Bug Fixed

  • Remote Config component was not working with extension is now fixed. (Auth component working was already fixed in a hotfix version).

  • Priority was not working and notification was shown with default priority always is now fixed.

  • App crashing while calling Initialize before setting the properties is now fixed.

  • MessageReceived event was causing error by returning null value is now fixed. (Thanks @72erdelyi for reporting this error).

  • Properties was not working while setting with blocks is now fixed.

  • Notification click was causing APK crash if not used OpenScreenOnNotificationClick is now fixed.(Thanks @mannankhanabdul for reporting this bug)

  • SendNotificationToTokens block was not working. It’s now fixed. (Thanks @ammar5287 for reporting this bug).

  • Notification was not showing in android devices version < 9. Now it’s fixed. (Thanks @ammar5287 for reporting this bug)

  • Sending messages from console was crashing the APK. It’s now fixed. (Thanks @Hadi_Editz for reporting this bug) However, I faced many difficulties to fix it but finally It works now.


  • Notification style is changed from old style to new message styled notifications (Preview Below).
  • Message Styled Notification works on in Android API 28 and above.
  • Extension is divided into two parts now.
    • FCM Helper :- This extension is just for adding library into the APK. You just have to drag this in your app once. (Size : 280 KB)
    • Firebase Cloud Messaging :- This component do the whole job. Use it normally as above posted in the topic. (Size : 35 KB)

Blocks Added


This event will be triggered when the notification clicked. Returns the notification’s info.


Clear all the notification of the app.


Set the custom sound for notifications from application assets. It does not works with storage files and URLs.


There are some points that you should know about this extension.

  • The extension works fine in all builders. Tested in Kodular, App Inventor and Niotron. However, You require different FCM Helper component’s version in kodular and for other AI2 clones.

  • Start value, priority and big picture notification are only available when you send the notification from rest APIs or inbuilt extension’s block.

  • After Android Version 7, notification sound play only when the priority is set to High. Low and default priority does not play sounds.

  • Extension is tested and working fine in Android Version 7.1.2, 9, 10, and 11.

  • Notification sent from firebase console show the notification itself to collect the stats or report of the shown notification. So the notification style will be affected a lot. Notification Opened and Notification Received event won’t be triggered if the notification sent from console.


  • Passing Start Value

    blocks (5)

  • Sending Big Picture

    blocks (6)

  • Notification Priority

    blocks (7)

  • Open URL on Notification Click

    blocks (8)

Just pass these keys with values in data parameter while sending notification and we’re good to go.


  1. Message Styled Notification

    IMG_20211203_212816 (1)

  2. Big Picture Notification

  3. High Priority Notification

    IMG_20211203_212621 (1)

Thank you for buying my extension. I hope you’re enjoying the extension.

Send me a PM to get the latest version of the extension. I have sent this version to some koders already. If you did not get then just send a PM.

Thank you
Sumit​ :wink:


Very nice update :+1:t2: Thank you. How can we update it?


Awsome thanks @iamwsumit. This extension is amazing :clap:

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Hello i have done pay to your pay pal account ,to buy this Extension, please Process, thank you

Please help.
If I include the GetToken block,


a message like this appears.

Extension does not work in Companion. You should try in APK.

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Thanks, I’ll try it.

hi great job i just bought your extension. by paypal, what should I do now

hloww sumit i wanrt to buy, i cant do pm mase

I bought the extension few days ago but only got to use it now.
The app is crashing as soon as the app start to initialize.
Even if I don’t add any block the app crashes. I tried to compile the app with the extension and without it and it is just to add the extension for the app start crashing.
I tested it in android 8.0 and Android 6.0

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