[PAID] Google Drive Extension - Download, upload, edit & delete files

That’s not possible to implement.
Once base64 data is sent to AppsScript, it is uploaded synchronously without providing any method for retrieving progress.


I understand @vknow360.
What the extension is missing is a block that triggers when the file is sent.
The block (Upload File) opens the file selection screen and when choosing and clicking OK the files are sent, but without the possibility of having a block to show the User (a circular dialog) that shows that the upload has started.
If the block was just for sending without having the built-in part to select the files, then there would be a way to create a Dialog trigger through Buttom.

I’ve updating the aix. Now you can pick file then you can start uploading manually.

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You can check my extension.

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Ok I’ll get in touch Thank you

Thank for the extension, much powerfull


Thanks for your valuable feedback :+1:

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Pass a position of your extension has been updated.

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