[PAID] SimpleDrive: Extension to work with Drive using Apps Script [$5 or INR 351]

1. Introduction

Description: It can be used to upload, delete, rename files/folders and listing files and folders. It provides following features

  • Create Folder/ Upload File
  • Delete Folder/ File
  • Move Folder/ File
  • Rename Folder/ File
  • List Folders/ Files
  • Get File Info

Latest Version: 2
Released: 2023-08-07T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-03-24T18:30:00Z

2. Blocks

3. Documentation


FileUploadedByUrl Event raised after upload file from url
fileId | text
GotFilesList Event raised after getting files list. Each list item is a dictionary having id, name, size, dateCreated, lastUpdated, downloadUrl as key-value pairs.
filesList | list
GotFoldersList Event raised after getting folders list. Each list item is a dictionary consisting id, name, size, dateCreated, lastUpdated as key-value pairs.
foldersList | list
FolderCreated Event raised after folder is created. If folder could not be created then folderId will be error message.
folderId | text
FileDeleted Event raised after deleting file. Returns success response.
response | text
FolderDeleted Event raised after deleting folder. Returns success response.
response | text
GotFileInfo Event raised after getting file info. Returns a dictionary consisting id, name, size, downloadUrl, mimeType, dateCreated, description, lastUpdated key-value pairs.
infoDictionary | dictionary
FileRenamed Event raised after file renaming operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FolderRenamed Event raised after folder renaming operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FolderMoved Event raised after folder move operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FileMoved Event raised after file move operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FileUploaded Event raised if file was uploaded successfully. Returns uploaded file's id
fileId | text
UploadFailed Event raised if file upload failed
errorMessage | text


UploadFileByUrl Upload file from url
parentFolderId | text
url | text
GetFilesList Get list of files of specified folder
folderId | text
GetFoldersList Gets sub folders list of specified folder
folderId | text
CreateFolder Creates a new folder
parentFolderId | text
folderName | text
DeleteFile Delete given file
fileId | text
DeleteFolder Deletes given folder
folderId | text
GetFileInfo Gets file info from file id
fileId | text
RenameFile Renames specified file to given new name
fileId | text
newName | text
RenameFolder Renames specified folder to new name
folderId | text
newName | text
MoveFolder Moves folder from its parent folder to specified folder
srcFolderId | text
desFolderId | text
MoveFile Moves file from its parent folder to specified folder
fileId | text
desFolderId | text
UploadFile Uploads file to
parentFolderId | text
filePath | text
GetMimeType Returns mime type from file path
filePath | text
GetDownloadUrl Returns download url for file id
fileId | text
GetViewUrl Returns view url for file id
fileId | text


ScriptUrl setter Script url
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text

4. Purchase



Contact me after payment to get aix and script url.

Hope it helps!


If any issue is found in Script then new Script url will be provided in drive folder.

ChangeLog Version 2

New Block


  • Removed mimeType parameter from UploadFile block
  • UploadFile method now works with SAF uris now
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