[PAID] High Quality Login & Signup Template For Kodular

Here’s my another login signup template for Kodular.
Not just on Kodular, you can also use this design in Android Studio.

Here’s how it looks:-

Buy now for 5 USD or INR 350 only.

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Thank you,
Aditya Singh.


This is not high quailty…a image and a component shape changer(radius) extention is used

How can i use that on Android studio?

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Really? What more do you know about UI designing? I would like to learn from you.

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I have designed this template in Adobe XD which is a platform for designing for mobile apps. There is an option to export as Android and it gives drawable files.


its good and much more…but not high quality…bcz there is no animation and no advance idea…2 box and 1 login and sign up button thats it…

Thanks for your feedback.

and where is eye label for showing and hiding password ? :star_struck:

There are lot of things involved for UI designing, if anyone is interested in buying then I can make these minor changes for my customers.

Great Design !! :heart: :+1: U.I Design Is Awesome !!

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BtW…Nice design specialy background pic…Appriciatable

Personally I think it looks pretty good. It’s certainly better than anything I could come up with.

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Your UI design is awesome :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

I don’t know why people are saying bad about it


check my secend comment…

It’s wrong. The UI is light, clean and good quality. Look and study the UI standards and you will see that it is wrong.

IFirst,mprove your UI.

@Aditya_Singh UI in this topic is great.

Congratulations @Aditya_Singh. Good Job !

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Every one has diffrent taste…so i m not wrong i explained my pov…

There are standards. It is not a matter of taste. If you make a comment like that, you’re wrong.

Okay, Guys leave it. We must not go more Off-topic :upside_down_face:

Nice Designs @Aditya_Singh :grin:

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how do i contact you ?

Hello! You can PM me