(Paid) Marquee label extension request


I need an extension with marquee label with below requirements:


  1. Marquee features: speed adjust, direction from right to left and left to right, pause and resume, marquee start point should be from out of screen (this means text should come from one side of the display and pass to the opposite direction)

  2. blinking features: should blink irrespective of marquee or not, speed of blinking, pause and resume

  3. all other label properties such as font size, text color, fonts should be as per label properties set in designer

Budget 300₹ or 4$

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I can build it, can we discuss…

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Contact me from my profile

I’ve been trying something like this for an extension for over a week, but it’s still missing some details, maybe someone can do something better, I don’t know when I’ll be able to publish it, maybe it will take some time.