[PAID] NeuMorphZ - Introducing Neumorphic CardView

OP :fire: :fire:(katai tabahi) Nice work @nikzdevz

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Thanks you so much @WeMakeBest
and its katai tabahi i think :joy:

Changed. :fire:

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Nice Extension

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Wow, amazing extension :ok_hand:

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Good, also this may make with Shadow Layout+KevinkunEnhance

I have tried the extension, and it’s easy to use. I was trying to make neomorphic design in kodular from long time, but can’t succeeded. But this extension fulfilled my needs.

I know it would be better than this, but I am learning to use colour combinations :sweat_smile::grin:

Great Extension @nikzdevz :+1:


You must give a try as you cant use two shadow color also if you use different corner radius then the arrangement will got outside the edge or border

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Thnx you so much @themaayur :heart:

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Guys like you are pushing the limits of no-code environment everyday. Hats off to you br0th3r. :heart:


Please do not compare extensions or post this way. Extensions are unique and differ in features and other things. BTW this is a nice extension. Especially for Designers like me long ago :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ve seen people who efficiently solved the problem using some calculations :slightly_smiling_face:

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create 2 shadow arrangement :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have not compared in opposing manner also i just said about clipping

its a trick and you can
but what about neumorphic click animation
styles and custom corner radius and many more things

A preview of inner shadow -

A preview of click animation-

Neumorphism and Shadow are two other thing.
As @Xoma said

I think that will not be this effective

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Very nice. If I buy the extension, is there a little test aia that shows the effects, as seen in the video? I have little time to get used to it.

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You just misunderstood me Nik.

I was saying it to @sergii :sweat:

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Yep, it comes with test aia of the above video ( if you buy the extension )


I’m sorry for it i thought you took my word as offence.
i’m really very sorry again…

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outer shadow)


just changing position of shadow in it also take a arrange inside the curved arrangement and make it filParent by height and width and set background color to yellow. also give different radius at every corner

as already said

inside no, outside only

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