[PAID] Onesignal Push - Implement OneSignal push notification in your apps

Your blocks are totally wrong, watch the tutorial here closely :

Onesignal Push | Implements push notification in MIT App Inventor and Kodular | Sumit Kumar - YouTube

Also, you must use image url in large image parameter, it does not work with offline images.

Yes, he is not responsible for it.
You got the extension, and it works alone so developer is not responsible for any issues which occur not because of extension.
Remember you paid for the extension, not for its compatibility.

If he follows the rules, which I believe he does then no refund for extensions.

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I want to try offline authentication, can’t find option to DM you.

Is one signal extension from “iamsumit” working with firebase auth now ?

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I’m having issues with this extension as well. Just did a version of my project without it and it compiles and runs just fine.

I wonder if the author is aware of the issue and plans to release any update soon.

It certainly seems like the extension is causing problems, apps crashing and not starting.
Let’s wait for answers from @iamwsumit

Extension is not working with firebase auth and ad manager component, because kodular has updated it’s play services libraries without any information. I don’t have time these days, I will be looking forward to update my extension in some time, you will get the notification.


Onesignal Push v1.6.1

This is a small bugfix for firebase auth and google ad manager due to target SDK 33.


  • Firebase Messaging SDK updated to v23.0.1
  • Firebase Components updated to latest version.
  • Play services libraries update to v18.0.2.
  • Offline Verification.
  • Extension size has been incread to 2.0MB now.


  • Make sure to check the working platform of the extension before purchasing it, this extension is not guaranteed to work in Niotron builder. Any of my paid extension does not work in Android Builder.

  • Offline verification are introduced now you can not change your email after purchasing the extension, so make sure to enter correct builder email address before purchasing it otherwise you have to purchase it twice for your correct email.

  • If the old version of this extension is working properly in your project, then don’t use this version, this version is not tested much with other components, so use the old version until you face any problem.


This version is now out on the AI2 Store.

Download Link : AI2 Store
Deep Link: Onesignal Push

Thank You
Sumit :wink:

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It seems to have solved the issues with Firebase Auth for me. Thank you. I am now able to compile and run my app.

I ran into a little problem with “AskPermission” block, tho.

Although it showed the popup asking for notification permission at first run, I had no “Screen.Permission Granted” called back for “POST_NOTIFICATIONS”.

That made my app fail to initialize properly, since I use that callback to check whenever all needed permissions are good to go.

The solution for me was replacing “OnesignalPush.AskPermission” with "Screen.Ask For Permission (permission Name)” passing “POST_NOTIFICATIONS” as a parameter. That made the callback work properly as before the updates.

Just a heads up for anyone going through the same process.

Thank you for the update.

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@iamwsumit About offline verification: my AI2 Store account is a different email than my Kodular Creator and Firebase accounts. But yet the extension seems to be working correctly. Am I missing something or the emails from the store and Kodular/Firebase does not need to be the same?

Thank you.

The email that you provide at the time of purchase(in payment details) must match with your kodular account email address, you can use any email for creating ai2 store account or firebase account. The only thing must be done is to provide your kodular email in payment details.



Note for All Extensions

Offline verification are introduced now you can not change your email after purchasing the extension, so make sure to enter correct builder email address before purchasing it otherwise you have to purchase it twice for your correct email. You will get the same warning on the app, please read it else you will be own responsible for your loss.


I’m still a little confused. It’s been a while since I did that purchase, sorry.

The email I use to login in AI2 app is a different one than Kodular Creator. Does that mean I informed you my Kodular Creator account email back when I purchased the extension and therefore my verification is ok?

Do you have any way of checking which email is offline verification checking against for my copy?

Thank you for the help.

Yes, I reset-ed all the payment emails some time ago so user can confirm their kodular email address again.

No, but if the extension is working in your kodular account then it’s for that email only.

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How to know the reason app crashing after adding the updated version?

Hello, I want to report a bug.

When there is another Push Notification component it causes the app to crash when opened

I deleted all other Push Notifications components and it already allowed me to open and it works perfectly

How do I make my notification have a large picture?

Not working anymore

You might want to try an alternative:

I’ll purchase this extension but can you provide me a day trail because I already use deephost one signal extension which is not working. I want to confirm that it’s working on my device. So please provide me with a day trail.

Its not working for me