[PAID] Onesignal Push - Implement OneSignal push notification in your apps

I’m still a little confused. It’s been a while since I did that purchase, sorry.

The email I use to login in AI2 app is a different one than Kodular Creator. Does that mean I informed you my Kodular Creator account email back when I purchased the extension and therefore my verification is ok?

Do you have any way of checking which email is offline verification checking against for my copy?

Thank you for the help.

Yes, I reset-ed all the payment emails some time ago so user can confirm their kodular email address again.

No, but if the extension is working in your kodular account then it’s for that email only.

1 Like

How to know the reason app crashing after adding the updated version?

Hello, I want to report a bug.

When there is another Push Notification component it causes the app to crash when opened

I deleted all other Push Notifications components and it already allowed me to open and it works perfectly

How do I make my notification have a large picture?

Not working anymore

You might want to try an alternative:

I’ll purchase this extension but can you provide me a day trail because I already use deephost one signal extension which is not working. I want to confirm that it’s working on my device. So please provide me with a day trail.

Its not working for me

hi, @iamwsumit , I have bought you the oneSignal Push extension, but the version is

How can I obtain the new version 5.1.23?

I am encountering difficulties with enabling Google Cloud Messaging, as this API is no longer available. Without being able to activate it, how can I obtain the REST API key?

There is no 5.1.23 version for this extension.

That method is discontinued by firebase. You have to generate private key JSON in your firebase account then upload it your onesignal dashboard.

The whole process of generating key and uploading it is explained here:

How can i set the small notification icon?

@Eric_Laufer, after generating the icon upload it in your assets and set it in SmallIcon property

thank you so much

I want to purchase extension

You can purchase it here :

Does it working with kodular Google authentication?

It should be working as firebase authentication has not updated from a while.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: My project not export: Starting Task, ERROR: d8 failed

hi i have question. This block sends push message from phone to all user with External ID on the One Signal or only for me ? how do it by sends push message to all users?

Second question:

When i’ll try send pus mesaage to subusers i received error:

but my phone with External ID is in OS :


block subUser don’t work