[PAID] Revolutionize Your App's Color Scheme with PaletteGenerator: The Ultimate Color Tool for Kodular

PaletteGenerator Extension for Kodular

The PaletteGenerator extension provides a set of functions for color manipulation and palette generation in Kodular projects. It is particularly useful for developers who prefer to work with the block-based programming approach. Below is an overview of its public methods:

Public Methods


  • Description: Initiates the camera to scan a color.
  • Usage: Triggered by a block to start the camera for color scanning.


  • Description: Creates a color palette based on a given base color in integer ARGB format.
  • Parameters: baseColor - Integer value of the base color.
  • Returns: A list of integer colors forming the palette.


  • Description: Generates a random color palette.
  • Returns: A list of randomly generated colors.


  • Description: Generates a monochromatic color palette based on a base color.
  • Parameters: baseColor - Integer value of the base color.
  • Returns: A list of colors in the monochromatic palette.


  • Description: Converts a color integer to an RGB list.
  • Parameters: color - Integer color value.
  • Returns: A list containing the RGB values.


  • Description: Generates a gradient palette between two colors.
  • Parameters: colorStart, colorEnd - Start and end colors for the gradient; steps - Number of colors in the gradient.
  • Returns: A list of colors forming the gradient.


  • Description: Generates a pastel color palette.
  • Parameters: count - Number of pastel colors to generate.
  • Returns: A list of pastel colors.


  • Description: Generates complementary colors based on a base color.
  • Parameters: baseColor - Integer value of the base color.
  • Returns: A list containing the base and its complementary color.


  • Description: Converts a color to its hexadecimal representation.
  • Parameters: color - Integer color value.
  • Returns: Hexadecimal color string.


  • Description: Converts a hexadecimal color string to an integer color value.
  • Parameters: hexColor - Hexadecimal color string.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts RGB values to an integer color.
  • Parameters: red, green, blue - RGB values.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts RGBA values to an integer color.
  • Parameters: red, green, blue, alpha - RGBA values.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts HSL values to an integer color.
  • Parameters: hue, saturation, lightness - HSL values.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts HSLA values to an integer color.
  • Parameters: hue, saturation, lightness, alpha - HSLA values.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts HSV values to an integer color.
  • Parameters: hue, saturation, value - HSV values.
  • Returns: Integer color value.


  • Description: Converts a color to grayscale.
  • Parameters: color - Integer color value.
  • Returns: Grayscale color value.


  • Description: Calculates the contrast ratio between two colors.
  • Parameters: color1, color2 - Two integer color values.
  • Returns: Contrast ratio as a float.


  • Description: Maps a color to a predefined scale.
  • Parameters: color - Integer color value; scaleColors - List of scale colors.
  • Returns: Color from the scale closest to the input color.


  • Description: Generates readable text colors on a given background color.
  • Parameters: backgroundColor - Integer value of the background color.
  • Returns: A list of text colors providing good readability on the background.



  • Description: Triggered when a color is scanned using the camera.
  • Parameters: colorScanned - The scanned color.


  • Description: Triggered when an error occurs during any operation.
  • Parameters: errorMessage - Description of the error.


This extension offers a robust and comprehensive suite of tools for developers working with colors in their Kodular projects, enhancing the visual aspects of their applications.


Upload your blocks and some demo blocks, so we can learn more about your extension.

1 Like

Very nice extension and you upload screenshots of blocks @Passos_0213 :people_hugging: