[PAID] Scan me- Scan QR, Generate QR, Edit It & Live Preview

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Scan me- Scan, Generate, Edit & Live Preview

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devendra here, in market already a lot of Qr scanner apps are present how does this app is different from other apps? This is scan me app and this app is very different from other Qr code app. so lets discus about its features


  1. Scan Qr code
  2. Decode the Qr image
  3. Scanned History
  4. Generate QR Code
  5. Download Or Share that Qr code
  6. Edit generated QR code
  7. Live preview of Edited or generated Qr code.
  8. Settings:
  • Copy the result immediately after scan
  • Auto open weblink after the scan
  • Use Auto Focus
  • Enable or Disable beep sound
  • Enable or disable vibrations


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Thank You All Extension developer and kodular team. i was made a lot of app with kodular but when i was start the app development at that time i was think about this concept and now this is completed. hope you all like it.