[PAID] SFTPClient: An extension to use SSHv2 [$6 or INR 350]


Description: An extension to use SSHv2 with JSch
Latest Version: 1.1
Released: 2021-02-28T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-02-26T18:30:00Z
Permissions: android.permission.INTERNET,android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE





GotOutput Event raised after getting response from Shell
exitStatus | number
outputResponse | text
errorResponse | text
GotError Event invoked when any error occurs
errorMessage | text
Connected Event indicating that connection to FTP server was successful and you are now logged in
Disconnected Event indicating that you are now logged out and disconnected from server
OnDownloadProgress Event raised when downloading progress changes
progress | number
OnUploadProgress Event raised when uploading progress changes
progress | number
GotUploadResult Event invoked after getting previous upload result
success | boolean
response | text
GotDownloadResult Event invoked after getting previous download result
success | boolean
response | text
AfterChangeWorkingDirectory Event invoked after 'ChangeWorkingDirectory' method with result and new working dir
success | boolean
newWorkingDir | text
GotFileList Event invoked after getting file list from server
fileNames | list
GotDirList Event invoked after getting dir list from server
dirNames | list
AfterDelete Event raised after 'Delete' method with result
success | boolean


RunCommand Executes given command in SSH Shell
command | text
Connect Tries to connect and login to the SFTP server using provided username and password
host | text
username | text
password | text
port | number
strictHostCheck | boolean
Disconnect Tries to close the connection to the SFTP server
HomeDir Returns Home path
CurrentWorkingDir Returns current working directory
IsConnected Returns whether connection is open or not
ChangeWorkingDirectory Changes current working dir and raises 'AfterChangeWorkingDirectory' event with result
toDir | text
UploadFile Uploads file on the server from given file path
Use absolute file path
localFileName | text
remoteFileName | text
DownloadFile Downloads file from server to given file path
Use absolute file path
remoteFileName | text
localFileName | text
ListFiles Tries to get files list
dir | text
ListDirs Tries to get dir list
dir | text
CreateDir Creates a new dir on server
remoteDirName | text
Delete Tries to delete given dir/file from the server
remotePath | text
isFile | boolean



Extension’s Price: $6 or INR 350

I am thankful to @TIMAI2 for beta testing the extension.
Hope it helps!


Amazing extension. Great work mate. :fire: :fire:

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