[PAID] Spreadsheets Extension : Read, write & modify data from sheets 🔥

You’ve to take Custom Edition license from me, and other blocks will be same.

Ok jewel, I bought the speedster license with unlimited everything, could I pay the difference and access the custom license?

Please text me on Telegram/WhatsApp.

Sure, can you send me your contact privately?

Using any Google Sheet data return block, the spreadsheet values are returning different from the original. The return does not accept (Dot .) (2 Dots :slight_smile: or (Slash /).

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Can you send me a dummy sheet with these type values? So I can investigate more on this matter and then I’ll try to provide you solution as soon as possible. (Thanks)


File sent privately

Using CreateRows or CreateCell blobs with leading zero(0) is ignored when saving to the spreadsheet.

It’s not problem from aix, make your full sheet as plain text.

Thanks to @JEWEL for making this gem extension. The money I paid is really worth it. Airtable is very limited to do for free, while in sheets you can have 15,000,000 cells in a single sheet!!!

loading a 100 column ‘lorem ipsum dolor sit amet’ takes 10 times more time in airtable

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Hello, I would like you to guide me on how your extension retrieves data when a column has no data.
For example,

Name | Age | Phone
John | 23 | 883737222
Mary | 34 | 48322223
Patric | 45 |
Yeni | 28 | 2343322

in a sheet with three columns: Name, Age, and Phone, some entries may have missing values, like the phone number for Patric. Could you clarify how the extension handles these cases when fetching data?

[ {“name”: “John”, “age”: 23, “Phone”: 883737222}, {“name”: “Mary”, “age”: 34, “Phone”: 48322223}, {“name”: “Patric”, “age”: 45, “Phone”: }, {“name”: “Yeni”, “age”: 28, “Phone”: 2343322}]

Or like this:

[ {“name”: “John”, “age”: 23, “Phone”: 883737222}, {“name”: “Mary”, “age”: 34, “Phone”: 48322223}, {“name”: “Patric”, “age”: 45 }, {“name”: “Yeni”, “age”: 28, “Phone”: 2343322}]

Could you provide guidance on this matter? Thank you!"

Hello @kasoe, thanks for your question, in this situation, normally the extension will return empty value for that cell. See example with your provided data ↓

{"Name": ["John", "Mary", "Patric", "Yeni"], "Age": ["23", "34", "45",, "28"], "Phone": ["883737222", "48322223", "", "2343322"]}

But if you don’t want any empty values, the extension provides you to skip empty values. Then the result will be like this ↓

{"Name": ["John", "Mary", "Patric", "Yeni"], "Age": ["23", "34", "45",, "28"], "Phone": ["883737222", "48322223", "2343322"]}
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I love @JEWEL and His Extension too ., Jewels extension solve my all Database Problem’s

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It would be fantastic if we could delete, for example, from row five to row 85, with a single call to the Google API so as not to consume the calls per minute that it has as a limit.

Righ now I’m working on this, you’ll be notified when done.

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Hello, in the extension there are 5 Editions (Premium, Platinum, Flash, Speedster, Custom) in the updated extension v14.0.1 a comma (,) was included in the data cell. This new feature only works in the (Custom) Edition, but the data loading time is doubled compared to other editions (2.5s to 5s). Can you improve the loading time in a future update?

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I need help with

java.lang.RuntimeException: no such class: com.jewel.google.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet

I can not build apk
I have already uploaded version 14.0.1 to my project again

Can you send me your apk to check device logs on PM?

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check your deployment id … it error could e relate to it

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His (@micaot) issue is fixed. It was for another Spreadsheet (Free) extension.