[PAID] Spreadsheets Extension : Read, write & modify data from sheets 🔥

:loudspeaker: A major update available with 4 new :muscle: powerful features. (V11.0.0)

  • CreateColumnWith: Now you can create new column with new values.
  • CreateMultipleColumnWith: Now you can create multiple new columns with new values for every columns as nested list.
  • AddValuesToColumn: Now you can add new values at the bottom of old values in exciting column.
  • CreateMultipleRows: Now you can create multiple new rows in a single request with new values as nested list.

    :loud_sound: Some new features will be added as soon as possible.

    :heart::heart::heart: Thanks :heart::heart::heart:


    Great work :smiley: , thanks @JEWEL

    good job jewel

    1 Like

    :loudspeaker: Announcement :soon:

    V11.0.0 and it’s lower version will be :no_entry_sign: deprecated for :rescue_worker_helmet: maintenance when I’ll launch V12.0.0. I’ll continue :rescue_worker_helmet: maintenance from V12.0.0. There will be many major changes are coming to :memo: write data more faster and :open_book: read data more smoothly. Also I’ll add some new features to :closed_lock_with_key: secure data from sheet.

    :sound: Still you can use V11.0.0 until 2025, but I’ll highly recommend you to stay updated.
    :technologist: I’m still coding on it, very soon I’ll launch the new update.
    :raising_hand_man: If you want any specific feature with the next update, please share your​:bulb:idea with me.


    Great Work @JEWEL ,

    1 Like

    I recommend peoples to try your extension only once so they will fall in love with your extension, i promise

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    @JEWEL let me know when you release Your New Update 12.0 cuz i want to buy it .
    Also share me payment details how can we buy ?

    I’ll release it very soon, here I cannot promise about time. I’m still writing code for the next update.
    You can buy now, you’ll get next update free when I’ll release.
    And please knock me on Telegram or WhatsApp to get faster response and to receive payment method information.


    Do Update Your Extension then i will buy , thanks

    I hope I can release it later this month :grinning:

    1 Like

    Price of this extension? and how to pay from pakistan.?

    Hello dear @Asim_New, I’ve already text you, please check your inbox (DM).

    1 Like

    I have bought the extension. I think it may be the best spreadsheet extension.
    Thank you

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    Hello, I am trying to insert data from my app to spreadsheets in the ABC columns of a sheet, starting with row 37.
    The problem is that I try to use the UpdateRows block to which you can put the row number, the column name, and the values.

    I get an error, and I have realized that it is because those cells are still blank and if they do not have data, it gives an error.

    how can I do this?

    Can you put your letter (ABC) or the column number (123) instead of the column name?

    Thank you

    Hello dear @micaot, can you show me your data model? So I can understand the problem.
    Please show me your data model in Telegram.

    :gear: V12 is now on under testing.
    Guys, you can test this to help me.
    So I can release it soon.
    And I’m still adding new features!
    New :bulb: ideas are always welcome :ok_hand:


    @JEWEL Nice Extension
    How to Buy ?

    Is V12 Released? Or In still under Testing?
    Would You plz Upload an Video to Better Understand it ?

    :loudspeaker: V12 is now available with ↓

    • Super fast data reading features.
    • Smooth & faster data writing ability.
    • Added some new functions.
    • Available to get access in private sheet.
    • Data will be encrypted with AES encryption for offline use.
    • Multi screen & multi component is now supported.
    • AES encryption & decryption functions available to protect credentials.
    • Smooth AutoRefresh functions.
    • Optimized OfflineMode.
    • New search functions with two conditions.


    How can i buy ??