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This ‘Ultimate List View’ extension is developed without any third party library. It uses android default library to handle large data sets. Tested with 10,000 items and no crash is seen in android version 7 to 14. No permission is required to use this extension.
In AI-2 based App development, we had 2 options to handle show customized list 1. Using dynamic components, 2. Recycler View Extension. In both these options the developer must not be a beginner, it will take hardwork and too much time to make list using these option. Here is the good news and 3rd option to create beautiful customized list view superfast with the ‘Ultimate List View’ extension.
This extension can be used in Ecommerce, Matrimonial, Educational and other types of apps where a list with image (from url or asset), main text and upto 5 subtexts are required, use of subtexts is optional in this extension just with SetSubTextCount. Search in list feature with background async list filtering is also makes this extension the ultimate and powerful one. It can save your time to develop apps.
Add a picture of all the blocks
Event triggers when item clicked will parse index, text and image url of the selected item
Event triggers when list is loaded after function ‘AddItems’ or ‘AddItemsWithSubTexts’
To use a layout to show list, Vertical Arrangement is use in container and for searchBox textbox is to be used.
This block will clear/earse the list. It is useful to show different items in same list view again and again.
This block is used to choose how many subtexts is to be shown 0 to 5. Using 0 will show only main text and no subtexts will be shown.
This block is used to show the list of image (from url or asset) and title only. Html format supported.
This block will add items to the list, in ‘texts’ a list of texts, in image Urls list of image urls or image names from asset, in subText1s to subText5s a list of texts/strings are accepted. Html format supported.
This block is used to make image circular. Set ‘true’ to make circular or ‘false’ to let the image corners round took from ‘SetImageCornerRadius’ block.
This block is used to set a margin between items in the list.
This block is used to get the full screen photo view of the image of a list item.
This block is used to set Image corner radius rounded. Don’t use if SetImageCircular is true.
This block is used to set a margin between items in the list. Default is 10.
This block is used to set the item separator color of your choice the default is transparent.
This block is used to set the list view style set 1/2/3/4 or 5 from different styles. Styles are as follows:
1: Vertical – image on top, then main text, then sub texts.
2: Horizontal – image on left, texts on right.
3: Horizontal – texts on left, image on right.
4: Vertical – sub texts on top, then image, then main text.
5: Vertical – main text on top, then image, then sub texts.
This block is used to set the properties of list item
‘iWidth’ to set image width,
‘iHeight’ to set image height,
‘iTextMargin’ to set margin between image and texts,
‘tSize’ to set main text size,
‘tColor’ to set color of the main text,
‘bgColor’ to set the background color of the items,
‘cornerRad’ to set the cornor radius of the items,
‘selColor’ to set the selection color when an item is clicked,
‘padding’ to set the padding of the items.
This block is used to set the main text i.e. title alignment which can be ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘center’
This block is used to set the scroll bar visibility, set ‘true’ to see the bar or ‘false’ to hide the scrollbar of list view.
These blocks of SetSubTextAlignment from 1-5 can be used to set the alignment of all the sub texts separately. Use ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘center’.
These blocks of SetSubtextProperties from 1-5 can be used to set the text size and color of all the sub texts separately.