[PAID] UnityAds Extension - SDK V4.4.1

[PAID] UnityAds Extension - SDK V4.4.1

An extension to monetize your application with Unity Ads.


What is UnityAds?

Unity Ads is the ad monetization solution for mobile games from Unity Technologies. It enables mobile game developers to monetize their entire player base, via ads that are native to Unity-based games.

Supported Mediation

  • Admob
  • Facebook (Meta Audience Network)
  • AdColony
  • AppLovin
  • ironSource
  • Vungle

    Initialize Sdk

    Initialize the unity sdk before load any ads.

    Banner Ad

    8 types of banner ad available now. You can make your own size banner ad. Set horizontal arrangement to view and bannerSize from extension properties.

    blocks (4)

    Interstitial Ad

    Rewarded Ad

    blocks (2)

    Note: You must have Kodular Premium account.

    Implementation Guide

    GitHub Repository ↓

    Extension specifications:

    Size: 865 KB
    SDK Version: 4.4.1
    Last amendment: 03 March 2023
    GitHub Repository: UnityAds
    Demo Application: UnityAds.apk


    Sometimes it failed to load Banner ad. It may old SDK issue.

    Would it be with SDK 4.5.0+?

    1 Like

    Possible, but extension size will increase for Kotlin libraries.

    Does this extension still have banner issues?

    1 Like

    Yes, few users reported that issue.

    If the SDK is a version that is accepted on Google PlayStore, I want to purchase it.
    If you have another, more up-to-date version, please let me know as well.

    1 Like

    i want to buy the aix, check the message on telegram.