[PAID] WhatSaver - Status Saver With Cloud Storage V2.0

App Name : WhatSaver

Description :WhatSaver is a free status saver app for both WhatsApp & WhatsApp Bsiness App. It comes with free cloud storage option so, that users can directly upload their status to the cloud storage without saving them to their phone's storage. It also comes with inapp lock option for users privacy & security.

Features :

  • Simple & Minimal UI
  • Save Status of both WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business
  • Free Cloud Storage
  • InApp Privacy Lock
  • Screenshots :

    Special Thanks To :

  • Kodular (Creator)
  • Deep Host (WhatsApp Story Saver)
  • :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

    Version Log :

  • V1.0 :-
    Some Minor Improvements

    Please help me to improve this app by sending your precious feedback.

  • Downloads :

  • WhatSaver

    Why you giving demo App if your app is a final apk.BTW Nice Creation :ok_hand:

    1 Like

    Now this, this is a quality app.

    1 Like

    Thanks for your comment. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

    1 Like

    Thanks for your appreciation :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

    It’s just wow. Literally the UI is awesome, simple and disciplined.

    1 Like

    Your post is not ready yet, it is not much hard to get ads approval.


    1. App Is Showing take approval for ads
    2. App can’t get viewed status for saving it.

    Fix Your App Bugs And Attract Koders With Your Nice UI :joy:

    Thanks for reporting this bug. I had now resolved this. Please check out the new app & send your precious feedback.
    Please don’t do any hate comments. If you found any bugs then, you can send feedbacks but please don’t do hate comments.

    Nice app. Just remember that deephost is not updating his extensions anymore. So, if this extension has a bug or stop working at future versions of android your app will suffer with the consequences.

    As you are selling the aia, I think it is a very big deal.

    1 Like

    Thanks for your compliments. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

    I am not selling aia files.

    Its working properly since deep host launched this.

    I am not selling aia files.

    What are you selling then? Because the .apk you posted here at the topic…
    And even if you are not selling, it is still something to think about. But it is just a tip, you are free to take the risks.

    Its working properly since deep host launched this.

    I didn’t say it isn’t. As I said, as the main extension for your app is not being updated if a bug is found or if it stop working for any other reason - specially future versions of android - the app may not work anymore.
    As this extension is not necessary to make a status saver app, I would prefer to make an app without this risk. But as I said before, feel free to ignore my tip and take the risk.

    1 Like

    This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

    you bought this aia file on deephost

    I didn’t make any compliment, but ok, I will stop answering you from now on.

    It is not a hate guy, it just a feedback

    No, I made this app.

    Saying that to remove this post or this is spam is a hate comment. Its not a feedback.

    I appreciate that you told me about the bug in this app. But instead of saying that remove this post or it is scam you can simply post the feedback .

    Don’t mind my words.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

    First of all its a demo apk as i mentioned above.
    And its not my fault that app is not approved yet.
    It is being delayed by Kodular Team.:grinning:

    Don’t mind my words but it was necessary to answer your questions.

    As i already told you that i fixed that bug ( that my app was not showing WhatApp Business Status - Now Resolved )
    Kindly check out the new apk.
    Before making any comment.

    Next time don’t make another topic for the same project. You get one topic. And you should educate yourself on the concept of hate before accusing others for hate comments.