Payment not showing in Balances and transactions

Kodular Please review my tax form and why my payment is not showing in Balances and transactions? Please fix it Thank you

You’ve already mentioned this before, wait for response.

This revenue is this Months, it was Added your revenue in Next Months!

What about my april revenue? It’s not showing

I think It’s Kodular bugs!

Kodular i have submitted my tax form then why deduction?
Then is my actual earning of March,April

This is what i got in my Balances

April month balance added please check it

Thank you :blush:

please help me, why the payment has not been recorded till now, can anyone explain all this??

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They update balance on 22th to 26th so today is 25 just wait one more day

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In August you will receive July earning :white_check_mark:

Did you receive your last month Accrual?

Not yet received

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ok thank you for your information


Why they are taking so much time in every issue?

Wait…they will send it​:+1: before 3 months they added balance in 27 th of that month…

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Maybe today balance will be updated

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But before i got on 23,24,25 of the month

I hope so :pray: