PDF to TEXT [Extension Request]

Hello everyone! I would like to have an extension that can transform a PDF or EPUB file to text, that use a free API, or something like that.

Hi @JaviR3TicS,
There is already an extension for this:

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Oh thanks!! :heart::heart:

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How can I use it? I don’t understand it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Use extract Text block.Set the (file name) to the pdf path, and set (to) to the path the output will be save to.It will be save as txt file so you can read it using the file component :wink:

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As i understand from the error,There isn’t such file.What about trying with a normal path?And saving also in the sdcard directory.

I have tried those blocks too.

First, directories aren’t created immediatly.You need to put this block in Directory created event
Second.Try to use the normal sdcard path just for test.

So what path should I put?

Try /storage/emulated/0/myfile.pdf

The same error :cry::cry:

That’s strange:thinking: You can ask the developer on the thunkable community,or here if you want.Probably it’s a problem in your path as i think,i’ve used this extension very long ago, and ofc i can’t remember now how i’ve used :joy:

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