Permission Granted Event for Fine Location

Good evening, I would like some help. My “Permission Granted” event is not working in terms of changing the label “lbl_permissao”. When I grant permission to the app, I can see the location icon appearing in the top bar of the Android, but the label does not change. Because of this, the two buttons for turning the gps_sensor on and off also do not work.

However, the “Permission Denied” event works correctly. If I deny permission, it changes the label and prevents the buttons from working. Is the logic correct?

In the project build, I chose API 21 and am testing the app on the Android Studio emulator with API 30.

Below is the image of the blocks.

Thank you.

as test display the permission Name in the label without using an if statement to find out what is going on


also test using an Android device


Hello, I tried both attempts, but nothing happened on the local device or the emulator. The attempt to show the permission name on the label for “granted” also didn’t work; I had the same result where the label didn’t change. However, when I set it to print the permission name on the Permission Denied event, it worked perfectly. Something is only occurring with Permission Granted.

Permissoes_gps.aia (3.0 KB)

Yes, the PermissionGranted event is not triggered. This is another bug.
Try this instead:


I now changed the category of this thread to #feedback:bugs but I doubt, that this will get the necessary attention from our friendly, but sleepy Kodular team @pavi2410 @Diego



Good evening, I want to thank you, your solution worked perfectly. I applied the same rule to the buttons for turning GPS off and on with the Package_Utilities to check the permission, and it also worked. Thank you very much!

Hope they see and fix soon :crossed_fingers:t2:

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