Oops sorry
What ???
I asked sorry for hurrying you up
Go to storage -> Rules tab
and then add this
service firebase.storage {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write;
In Firebase
// Anyone can read or write to the bucket, even non-users of your app.
// Because it is shared with Google App Engine, this will also make
// files uploaded via GAE public.
service firebase.storage {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read
allow write;
Already done
Is it fine?
That is not a permission it is android.permission.CAMERA it is “.” not “_”
Sorry I mentioned it above
Ask for this
Ok check that or mine
Both are Not working
So check this website for Android Manifest
Actually i am also facing one more issue
when i live test it tells me to enable permission in settings
And if i try to build it fails to build
Can you give me its apk file
I am unable to build it!!!
Could you test it with your Firebase
So please give aia file
I will do something
But I want to know that are you building a camera app