Personalized Ads

How to enable Personalized Ads?

:white_check_mark: Makeroid displays Personalized Ads by default for users outside the European Union :eu:
This question is very common among users coming from :thunkable:, as they have this option:

As per the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), users should be able to choose if they want to see advertisements based on their previous activity or not.
But the GDPR affects countries only in the European Union, so ad networks only have to ask users to choose in these countries only.
To implement the new regulatory guidelines, we have added the following properties to the AdMob Component:


These new options work as follows:

  • :eu: European User (for example, Spain :es:)
    If the user is from a country that is inside the European Union, a dialog appers asking for their consent to show personalized ads.

    • If they accept it: We show personalized ads.
    • If they deny it: We show non-personalized ads.
  • :earth_americas: Non European Users (for example, India :india:)

    • We show personalized ads without asking for consent.

I have 2 questions.

Q1. Do i have to enable the consent development mode on all my ad supported apps.

Q2. if i enable the consent development mode then why it shows the dialog message every time i open the app.

Thank you