Today I’m trying to create a play console
But I’m receiving an error
Request failed sth went wrong add a new payment method to your google account
Plz tell a solution
Their response is clear. You payment method is not accepted.
You should ask Google to help you.
What should I ask??
What payment they accept.
OK I’ll ask
and then see what will happen
When I’m clicking on help it’s showing error
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. [1824216694]
What i have to do now???
My problem is not solved please tell me what to do
He has clearly told what to do
And I have clearly answered that help section is showing error
If someone has an answer to your question, then he will probably post it…
Sorry I can only point you to this site…Fix issues paying for Google products and services - Google Pay Help
Thanx but the link isn’t opening
This feature isn’t available in your country
Try to use a VPN
What’s that???
which payment option are you using @Mandir
i think rupay is not accepted in Google
Virtual Private Network
It connects your ip to any other countries ip
I’m using Master Card
By the way my name is Manbir
i have purchase play console using visa but not face any problem on the purchasing
Ok I’ll try
But why is the error coming
Can I fix it??
show me please and i think there is the community of play console in google