Play Gdrive videos in webviewer

20191012_125115.mp4 (3.5 MB)

please help

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What is this? I understand nothing watching the video.


please tell how can i play google drive video in my app

I unlist this. first learn how to ask a question.

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my question is … how to play google drive videos in App
share link and embed code both are not working

Show what you did?

my app is about Video Effects , Green screen videos , Superpower effects
so coz of high user my cloudnary trial is not enough … i am trying to embed google drive videos
but as you you watched in video google drive videos are unable to play
sample project

20191012_134154.mp4 (2.1 MB)

any other solution ?

You better use other storage options to stream videos online…
Why not you upload your videos on YouTube and use YouTube player component to play it on app?


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Cut File ID from your Google drive sharing link and paste it with below link. YOUR VIDEO OR PICTURE ID


can i use ads (in that screen) where youtube videos are playing ?
youtube videos are not monetized

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