Play store Aab upload error: without 'android:exported' property


i am facing the error :
You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias, service or broadcast receiver with intent filter, but without ‘android:exported’ property set. This file can’t be installed on Android 12 or higher. See: Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 12  |  Android Developers

I have searched the community and findout that i have to edit the manifest but in community also most of the post are related to decompiling apk and editing manifest and recompile.

but what should i in terms of aab. if someone can help me what should i need to change this are the extensions i am using

i think i am using taifun’s settings extension’s free version which is of 2019. so i check the extension page and in free version this 2019 version 7 is only available could it be because of that?

i am kind of confused can someone please do it for me.

thank you


thanks for the reply but if i remove this then how do i send notification to my app

Use his paid version of onesignal
[PAID] Onesignal Push - Implement OneSignal push notification in your apps no error