Play store console account terminate

Hello sir,
Is it true, if we publish any application which develop in makeroid ,on play store google terminate our play consol account after 3-4 days…
and says you have avoid developer policy…my 6 play consol account terminate ,
what i do,i cant understand why this happen …what is reason…

today i publish app and buy a new consol account after one hour of app publish google terminate my consol again…what i do


You can’t rejoin after you get terminated.

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Is it the reason of using MIT? im hoping to open one console account what should i do?

i know but…second account buy through my friend .no any information uses my…

then also why google same reason i thinkthis is from makeroid application.

can you give me proof …a makeroid application still many times in play store

in past with 1st console account ur app have any
reject ya suspend?

yes in first consol 3 app suspend then he terminate…but the are not makeroid…

if i buy new …not with my information…my freind… information and in his phone

and i publish same app which …publish in my consol which now terminate .

then what happen …

because consol not terminate by suspend app app became publish succesful …

ya i make new app nad then publish in new consol

You didn’t follow the rules of Google Play. Thats why it is terminated. You were informed via mail i guess. This has nothing to do with Makeroid or any other builder.


ok sir,i want to just ask…not blame makeroid or any other platform

Send Me Screen Shout Of Mail.

Can you send us a screenshot of the email?
(without showing any private information obviosuly)

Yes this is…

The email clearly say that you shouldn’t try to register another account, I could check the developer policy but I’ll need an aia

sir if you need help just wait for it don’t send a message and exit the community

Apps generally get suspended when you try to push user to give their information like phone number, email password so add signup to an application only if needed, second don’t use pictures or text which can be related to sex or violence. If you get suspended you should contact playstore suffort through form given on their site, if you explain the need for sinup form they will generally reinstate your app, in case you played in grey area and your app get suspended simply say sorry and tell them you misunderstood one of their policy and will make necessary changes to your app. I am pretty sure that your app will be changed from suspended to removed then make suitable changes or just be happy and don’t publish that app again. I am telling it with confidence because i had seen two app suspension so far and i get away with it just by making changes and explaining the need for signup form. In my case first time they asked me to remove the signup form and resubmit as they turn the app from suspended to rejected. I resubmit the new version with no signup form and that was accepted. Second case was when i make an wallpaper app with some hot bikini girls photo and bang google suspended the app and told me you don’t mention about such content in policy. I told there is no nude pic and the picture contain girls in swiming pool with a picture focus on their butt. They emailed that their policy don’t alloy any picture which can be anyway connected to sexual desire and plesure and so asked me to delete 2 such pictures and convert the suspension to removed. Then i make changes and re apply and my app get selected. So please play by rules, read all policies and don’t do things like earning app and hot wallpapers its really risky. have a good day!

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What type of app you have published to play store. share description of app this will help us to be aware.

One was a lottery game like that in casino where if you toss the coin and win you will get amazon gift coupons. Off course i add my affiliate associate link with them and had a singup form asking name, email, phone number and password. That all was not necessary and i was blindly copying what i see in some bad youtubers video. I call them bad because soon they start teaching self clicking on ads and copying and re-skinning lots of app which are all voilation of google policy. Luckly i got my first app suspended and i read google policies not all but only what that matters to me at that point of time. Right now the app is no more on playstore as i removed after the recent googlay policy update in which they restrict app with sole purpose of affiliate links. There was policy against too much affiliate links before but recent update make it impossible for me to add such high amount of affiliate link and so i had to remove the app myself just to be on safe side. The second app is a wallapaper app as i described above which was earlier intended for men as that was full of action and sexy wallpapers, not nude but sexy… and as you know i was asked to remove 2 pictures…out of fear i replaced the whole app with a sanskari version. I mean an app that have now natural wallpapers, abstract and cartoons. Wow! what a change. The app isn’t doing so good and have current 23 active user as of now. I hope that will answer what you were looking for.

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Sir but application rejected we update new versions but if suspended with sexual content or other reason…

In this condition no any option to resubmit applications… It means one strike… We can’t update our application with new look which is free from against policy… If yes then how

So mr Star_Yaar if any of your app get suspended for any reason your app options to submit new version is disabled by default. But in other condition such as rejected or removed you still can replace your app version. And be aware they read and go through your app carefully so even your content are on cloud or firebase or anywhere but not the app asseet and you change those content they will know that too. I will suggest you to fill the form as given on their website…if you don’t find just google it. And one more point if your app don’t get approved or converted to removed try again as they might consider your case; it depends a lot on person to person mentality. And last point there is a chance of your app suspension removed if you have a clean history and not if you keep violating google policies. So try your best to remove all your suspended app as soon as possible and dont carry them. Don’t use web view to show others website unless you choose web-browser option as your app or you own that website and be normal…what i mean is look for others app to get the idea for your app but don’t copy everything. Hope you a great day! Bye…

@AMIT_Raj Sir

I Read Your All Reply !! It’s Mean Now We Cannot Publish Any App That Related Earning Becouse Every Earning App Have A Sing up Form For Security Purpose And There Also Collecting User’s Email Phone Ext For Send Money On Paypal Or Paytm

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No you can still collect some information on user consent as mentioned in your privacy policy. Yes google play is not fair regarding to taking more and more information from users; on e hand it put an blind eye for apps such as facebook and other big apps which collect almost all possible information on other hand it want small developers to take minimum possible information or access to run the app. So yes you can still collect those information but please make some checkbox or something in which they agree that they have read through your policy in which you already have mentioned how you will use those information.

And about the invalid clicks just avoid earning apps if still you insists then instead of asking them to literally click the add ask them to play some small and easy game or task and show them ads organically. And at last you can literally ask them to watch rewarded ads video or ad to get 1000 coins. Be indirect ! Good luck ! But as a bit of advice make simple apps such as flashlight with some cool features i am sure you will get at least 1000 install in first 3 month. I say this because i have literally research into apps made by appybuilder, appinventor, thunkable and makeroid on google play and such small apps are doing so great!

Good day!

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