Please help me about Component Tiny_Db

The program output below does not display anything.


Working for me maybe your Text Box is empty when you are clicking button

I have entered text into the text box but it is not working. this is really strange. I have done various things (using local variables, inputting directly using a text box), and finally going back to the initial code and suddenly the syntax worked. Does this have something to do with an unstable internet connection?

test.aia (1.9 KB)

try the aia and see what you’re doing

Thank you for your time. the program you provided runs well (I see the program is exactly the same as the program I asked about, but it runs well)

Ok if your problem solved then set solution please

When I make a program with Kodular and then I fix various errors that occur, the program still doesn’t run correctly even though the syntax is correct. but if I create a new project with the same syntax then the program can run correctly. is there a solution to this?

Please explain, what you want to happen and what happens instead… also please provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks
