Please help me with an error!

Hey guys,
I have began to make a quiz app but then when I tried to jump between screens, the companion and the installed .apk crashed. The screens alone are working very well but if I change screens the app is crashing. But Kodular (Creator) does not show any issues or errors. Very strange… Can somebody help me?

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Check screen name on block and screen.
These are CaSe SeNsItIvE…

Check Your screen name. If still it shows error…
Then rename screen & again use it.
Check package name also

I can not rename the Screen names…

And what do you mean by package name?

Update companion

I have 3 screens, the main menu, the quiz and settings. I can open the settings screen without any problems but the other screens are crashing.

@pakuc When I install the apk file and run it, the same probelm appeares… Without the companion…

Make sure you are using these methods

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@pakuc Exactly in that way I am doing that.

I am doing that wihout an procedure but in the same way

Can you show your blocks

the app is very complicated and has much code but I can do that…

It has been reported by several users that apps crashes with multiple screens, so wait for v1.4.1 instead before you start digging too much



Nad wheen the new version is coming?

When all bugs are reported and fixed then it will come

@pakuc the problem is I have written the code in German… You will not understand much…

@Boban already tell wait for update he is right you have to wait. if your project is working before eagle update then you have to wait

Try to wait 1.4.1 … lets see what they can do