Please help to me to export my app in apk file,

Click on view log and tell us the message

Previously this worked fine sir, but today it does not export sir.

You have 16 screens?

yes sir, but Previously this worked fine sir

Then you were lucky i guess. Why do you need so many screens?

what is the wrong sir? if i decrease my screens can i export this sir?

one screen had a own purpose sir, therefor i use many screens to my app

please help me sir

here is show an error massage sir. please give me a solution quickly sir.also i delete 2 screens now but not export sir.

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Please send me the AIA
I’ll try to build it in our beta server were I can check more detailed logs

here is the aia file sir.YOTO.aia (4.4 MB)

please help me

I’m testing it
It seems to be an Overflow error when building the DEX files

how can i solve it sir

3 posts were split to a new topic: The compiler error output was