Simple PHP select * query - working. (Using JSON)
But no data displaying in the spinner??
Any help appreciated as always
Please can you share your blocks.
The example is a List. I need to pupulate a spinner
(Professional Support)
They are already sharing in the answer above.
1- load a list, using add item list with the values of the pairs
2- get the Elements spinner blocks and put the list in it.
Like this???
their blocks popluate a list. I need a spinner
(Professional Support)
And Spinner Elements should receive your list
The list is populated by items from your Json.
Spinner Elements receives this list.
Thanks, It works but the spinner is really disappointing
Think I will go to a list???
(Professional Support)
Create another list ,data3
Add itens to data3.
Use Elements Spinner ( Green Block ) And Get a list data3.
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