Preventing Voice recording [ Screenshoot component prevent video but not Voice ]

Hello Gus ,
I want to ask if there is a method I can prevent recording voice in app …
I use screenshoot component to prevent screenshooting and recording but my videos Audio still can be recorded with black screen … so I appreciate Suggestions to prevent that … ty

Use clock component, so it will timer every sec. If it detect screen recording set the voice to zero or mute. If no such detection let it play normal…

Excuse me I have a question in this point … what is the component that detect the screen recording … screenshot component don’t detect that as I know

Drag the default component screenshot to the designer mode, and use if statement

can u share blocks if u have time please cause I still can’t imagine

If you use default block there you could find permission granted or not.
If permission not granted set your video player sound to zero

If not you can try this extension

Here you can find, screen recording is recording block , so if it is true set your video volume to zero. I don’t know which block you are using to play the video so I cannot imagine from your side

I am using Screenshoot component of Kodular … I Disallowed screenshoots from screenshoot properties from designer area …
but I want to detect if he is trying to record ( already disapplied this featrure but he can use 3rd party programm to record all mobile screen … my app screen will appear black but sound still can be recorded from phone or phone speakers … )
what I need to detect if he is trying to record or no …
I don’t know if this possible … but this extenstion for recording … not disallowing recording

You are having video in your app. What component you are using to play it?

paid one (Extension) from deephost

How can i prevent screen recording i tried screenshot component disable but its not working

please help me

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