Print from API to table

Hello, I have an API and I want to print it with my blocks, but the key in each row is different.

datacontent: {
“11221121200”: 48,
“11221121210”: 58,
“11221131200”: 62,
“11221131210”: 2,
“11221141200”: 26,
“11221141210”: 27,
“11221151210”: 1,
“11221161210”: 1,
“11221171200”: 3,
“11221171210”: 4,
“21221121200”: 69,
“21221121210”: 80,
“21221131200”: 92,
“21221141200”: 11,
“21221141210”: 22,
“21221151200”: 1,
“21221171200”: 1,
“31221121200”: 39,
“31221121210”: 42,
“31221131200”: 33,
“31221141200”: 2,
“31221141210”: 7,
“31221171210”: 2,
“41221121200”: 35,
“41221121210”: 67,
“41221131200”: 58,
“41221141200”: 8,
“41221141210”: 5,
“41221171200”: 2,
“41221171210”: 3,
“51221121200”: 41,
“51221121210”: 52,
“51221131200”: 34,
“51221131210”: 11,
“51221141200”: 0,
“51221141210”: 4,
“51221151200”: 1,
“51221171200”: 2,
“51221171210”: 13,
“61221121200”: 12,
“61221121210”: 12,
“61221131200”: 6,
“61221141200”: 0,
“61221141210”: 7,
“61221151200”: 1,
“61221171210”: 6,
“71221121200”: 54,
“71221121210”: 50,
“71221131200”: 21,
“71221131210”: 1,
“71221141200”: 1,
“71221141210”: 3,
“71221151210”: 1,
“81221121200”: 33,
“81221121210”: 39,
“81221131200”: 29,
“81221141200”: 0,
“91221121200”: 17,
“91221121210”: 21,
“91221131200”: 7,
“91221141200”: 0,
“101221121200”: 4,
“101221121210”: 6,
“101221131200”: 21,
“101221141200”: 0,
“111221121200”: 33,
“111221121210”: 36,
“111221131200”: 47,
“111221131210”: 3,
“111221141200”: 4,
“111221141210”: 15,
“111221151200”: 1,
“111221151210”: 1,
“111221171200”: 3,
“111221171210”: 15,
“121221121200”: 385,
“121221121210”: 463,
“121221131200”: 410,
“121221131210”: 17,
“121221141200”: 52,
“121221141210”: 90,
“121221151200”: 4,
“121221151210”: 3,
“121221161210”: 1,
“121221171200”: 11,
“121221171210”: 43

how can I print that in Kodular with table?