Private Chat - A private chat app between two users

Private Chat

Hello everyone, after many time I just made a chat application Private Chat. This is a simple app that allow send text and image messages in private chat between any two users, you just have to enter the name of your receiver.
This app show real-time message delivery with user’s real-time seen. This app works with Firebase and Cloudinary(for images).
Let’s see some screenshots.


Demo APK

You can download the APK from here :

Download APK : PrivateChat.apk (6.6 MB)


This AIA is free with the Custom Chat view extension:

You can download this AIA from AI2 Store
Deep Link for AI2 Store : Click here


Here are the extensions that I used in this app.


Alpha Dialog by @zainulhassan.

List Addon by @yusufcihan.

Thanks for your awesome extensions.

Test it if you want/can. If you found any issue please post it here.
The APK is only tested on one timezone so I am not sure the time will work correctly for all countries however, it should work.
You can test this APK by making two users on your own and can test it or you can chat with Sumit the default receiver name as username. You can not chat with other users here due to some privacy concerns that’s why you can create your own two clone of app yourself or can chat with me.
This app is made in 3 hours so there may be some problems in design so don’t take them seriously.

Thank You
Sumit :wink:


Nice work :+1:

This AIA is free now.

Since this AIA uses custom chat view[PAID] extension, you can download this AIA after purchasing the custom chat view extension.

You can download this AIA from AI2 Store
Deep Link for AI2 Store : Click here


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