Probabilidades Royale

What is the name of your app?

Probabilidades Royale

Describe your app:

For Clash Royale players. The app shows you all chest details (such as Battle Chests, Royal Chests, Clan, Tourney, Challenge, Special Events, etc.). 100% Made in Makeroid :makeroid: :wink:
I’ve received some reports where the app seems to crash when starting it, if someone has some idea of what could the reason I would be really grateful.
It’s translated to Spanish, English and Portuguese (Beta).

Screenshots (English):

Google Play Store link:

AIA file (Optional)

I can’t share the AIA file, because there’s some information that could affect other users apps.


WOW! Clash Royale is my favorite game! I’m going to download it now


How much time did you take to make this app?

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At first, I started it on AI2 :appinventor:, a bit more than a year ago (it was just a white screen with the chest names).
Then, I switched to Thunkable :thunkable:, where I created a better UI and more chests (more or less 7 months ago). The main problem was that it had A LOT of screens and the app crashed a lot of times.
And finally, 2 months ago I re-started the app again on Makeroid :makeroid: (from 0, with a single Screen), and published as a Google Play update three weeks ago.


You should move FAB a bit far from ads, according to Admob guide

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Ok, thanks for the information!
How many pixels you recommend me to move it?

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Banner Ads are of 50dp in height, it should be around 100px


Did you use clash royal api?

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No. All chest odds in Clash Royale are calculated with the YARN formula
(information by Orange Juice).
The formula looks like this:
Y = Number of cards inside the chest.
A = Number of legendary cards in your Arena (for example, in Arena 4 (A=2),
and in Arena 12 (A=14)).
R = Number of common cards in your Arena (for example, in Arena 5 (R=14),
and in Arena 8 (R=20)).
N = Legendary factor. It’s a big number that is the same for all arenas,
and different for every chest.

As you can see, Y and A are multiplied, so if Supercell adds a new
legendary card or increases the number of cards, the probability also
But if Supercell adds a new common card, the probability slightly
decreases, because it’s dividing the previous multiplication.
And the legendary factor (which is also dividing the previous division),
when bigger, the probability is smaller.

So I created a list of the number of cards of every chest, and then I
created a Procedure that asks for 4 inputs (Y, A, R, N) that automatically
aply the formula to that data.

If something isn’t clear, let me know and I’ll try to explain better.


Looks really good! :slight_smile:

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Your are wrong, this depends on the device, it can be 50, 100, 150, 200 or even more with newer devices

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can you provide some info if you are using responsive design and how did you done the design, i have some problems with my app design( not supercell related or something), its a game i just need help with the design things, did you used a harrangment for the chest ???

If you are refering to “How did I made a Button with Text and an Image”, I just added some clickable vertical arrengements with an empty gold button as a Background Image, with the Image of the Chest and a text above.

If you want the font, here:

and how did you arrengent them so they perfetly fit in the wooden shelf beckground?

Center align and experimentation. :wink:

I set 3 horizontal arrangements vertically, with this background image:

So when viewed one above another, it seems it’s a single shelf. And on the top of the first horizontal arrangement, I added a Vertical arrangement which displays this background image:
The red ribbon is empty, so I added a label on this arrangement, so the text “Select Chests” can be translated into several languages). Then, I added 3 vertical arrangements on each Horizontal arrangement (I explained it before: Probabilidades Royale - #13 by J.V.B - Koded Apps - Kodular Community).
The “Detailed info of every chest” text is post-edited screenshot :wink:

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